Contact Us

The South Dakota Bureau of Human Resources and Administration believes in building, developing, and supporting a high-performing and healthy workforce.

Office of the Commissioner - Darin R. Seeley

State Capitol
500 East Capitol Ave, Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: 605.773.3148
Fax: 605.773.6947
Email us

The Bureau of Human Resources provides HR services to state agencies and employees through the following divisions:

Director – Angi Kappenman

State Capitol
500 East Capitol Ave, Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: 605.773.3148
Workers' Compensation Fax: 605.773.6947
Email us

  • Benefits: The Benefits Program administers and implements health, flexible, and wellness programs for the State of South Dakota. Benefits specialists serve state employees by providing information about the health plan, the beneFIT Well-being Program, and flexible benefits programs including vision, dental, and short-term disability.
  • Workers' Compensation: The South Dakota Workers’ Compensation Program is an insurance program that pays medical and disability benefits for work-related injuries and diseases.
  • Classification and Compensation: The Class and Comp program maintains a position classification system for all jobs in the civil service based upon similarity of duties performed and responsibilities assumed; administers the job evaluation system to determine the appropriate pay grades for civil service classifications and exempt positions; and maintains a statewide pay system which assures the principle of equal pay for equal work for all positions.

Director – Jennifer Meyer

State Capitol  
500 East Capitol Ave, Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: 605.773.3148
Fax: 605.773.6947
Email us

  • Human Resource Services: Human Resource Managers and Specialists serve as state agencies’ point of contact for human resource services including payroll processing, onboarding new employees, resolving disciplinary issues, and providing human resource guidance and assistance.
  • Talent Acquisition: Recruitment specialists promote employment with the State of South Dakota and assist state agencies by announcing job postings for state government jobs. This program manages and maintains the state’s online applicant system and provides assistance to applicants and managers throughout the announcement and selection process.
  • Employee and Organizational Development (EOD): The EOD program provides support to employees through professional and supervisory training and development classes and computer training, and provides support to agencies by helping them assess and select employees, develop leaders, and increase employee performance, engagement, and retention.

If you are seeking a Verification of Employment, please email or call 605.773.3148.