Additional Retention Services

Please contact your Human Resource Business Partner for more information on any of these services.

Turnover in key positions can have a detrimental and costly impact on the quality of services provided to customers. While many things can contribute to turnover, a study can objectively measure and uncover critical underlying factors that cause it. This understanding is necessary to identify and develop solutions to the root causes of turnover. These studies are typically comprised of anonymous surveys, assessments, confidential interviews, and/or focus groups. Recommendations based upon findings are presented to the agency along with implementation support.

This management tool can show employees the criteria needed to achieve higher levels of skill, responsibility, authority, and pay in a key occupation within an agency. This also provides transparency, so employees know how to reach their career goals. Multiple levels may fall within the same classification, with advancement typically being recognized with modest discretionary pay increases and any required reclassification increases. This tool can also address employees’ concerns regarding the perceived lack of advancement and growth opportunities and can make a positive impact on recruitment, engagement, retention, and productivity.

When employees in certain agencies leave their jobs for a specific external organization, an information campaign may help prevent future turnover. Often, employees do not have all necessary information to make a well-informed decision regarding whether it is more beneficial to leave or stay. Obtaining, analyzing, and comparing employment information from a competitor can help make a compelling yet objective case to the employee to stay with State Government. A plan can be developed to ensure pertinent information is made available to affected employees. Supervisors can then explain the differences in greater detail, and/or modify the job and working conditions, when feasible, to remain competitive.

People spend a third of their adult lives at work, which is why organizational culture matters deeply. The challenge? Culture is delicate. It's hard to build, and easy to destroy. It takes a shared commitment from leaders at every level to shape and maintain it every day. And that’s where EOD can help. From top to bottom, we can help align leaders and build the skills that will build an inspiring culture where people want to work, innovate, and build their careers. Contact your Human Resource Manager to find out more.