Health Savings Account (HSA)

New: FY25 HSA Information

HSA Information – FY24 Benefits Guide

Per IRS guidelines, you must be enrolled in the Washington or Lincoln High Deductible Health Plan to contribute to an HSA. Health Savings Accounts (HSA) can be used to pay for covered medical, pharmacy, dental, and vision expenses with pre-tax dollars.

Please Note: Not everyone can contribute to an HSA. Certain situations make you ineligible, including if

  • You are covered by another health plan that is not a qualified HDHP.
  • You are covered by TRICARE.
  • You are a dependent on someone else’s tax return.
  • You are signed up for any Medicare coverage, including Parts A & B.
  • You have a spouse contributing to a medical FSA.

If you enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan and elected that you are eligible for an HSA, the State may contribute to your WEX account. If this is the first time you are opening an HSA account, WEX will send an email notifying you of your new enrollment. To receive contributions, you must first log into your WEX account and accept the terms and conditions as well as completing the US Patriot Act requirements.

The State does not monitor employees’ HSA contributions. Refunds will not be disbursed through payroll in the event of an over-contribution and/or mistaken contribution. Contribution limits for the year can vary on a variety of factors, which is why we strongly encourage you to consult with your tax advisor if you are unsure or have questions regarding your HSA contribution limits. Please take the time to view your HSA contributions to ensure you are under the IRS maximum.

Those with questions pertaining to HSA eligibility are encouraged to contact WEX at 866.451.3399

Courtesy of WEX, our Health Savings Account Vendor. 

HSA documents

Please Note: If you need to request a HSA life event to be created for you to complete, please call the Benefits Division at 605.773.3148 or email .