Organizational Development

We are a team of organizational consultants and psychologists who utilize data and evidence-based practices to help agencies assess, select, develop, engage, and retain talent. Click below to learn more about our services.

Make Great People Decisions. Hiring new people is tough. So often, we simply trust our gut about who’s probably right for the role. We're all human, which means when it comes to the hiring process, we have a natural bias. EOD can help you envision what success looks like, interview consistently, and use data to make the best, most objective, hiring decisions.

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Invest in the Future by Investing in your Leaders. We believe an organization thrives when its leaders thrive. We partner with leaders to create customized development experiences using assessments, feedback, and coaching.

Win the Hearts and Minds of Your Employees. Hiring good people is only part of the story. Leaders and organizations must consistently prioritize retaining those employees, as well. If you want to know why people stay, why they leave, and how to keep the best, we can help.

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Better Data. Better Leaders. EOD believes in the science of leadership,which means we believe objective data is the key to great leadership. Using industry-leading behavioral assessments, we help you feel confident about which leaders to hire, develop, and promote. Our highly accurate and insightful assessments can help you.

People-First Performance Management. A new era of employee expectations requires a new approach to performance feedback. EOD has all the tools you need to be successful in coaching, evaluating, and managing your staff and their performance.

Are Your Leaders Ready? Who steps up when a tough organizational challenge comes along? When someone retires, do you have leaders ready to jump in? Succession management can often fall low on the priority list, until one or more key leaders suddenly leave. That’s when leaders start making fast decisions about who can fill in, without always making sure they’re truly ready.

From frontline supervisors to the deputy secretary, EOD works with you to create a data-driven succession management strategy.

Employee Engagement Is Essential in the Great Resignation. In a world where every employee is re-evaluating their relationship to work, people are looking for more than just a job. They want to work where they make a meaningful contribution. We give you the tools to help make that happen.

Discover New Ways to Get the Results you Need. Sometimes doing things the way they have always been done no longer produces the same results. Whether you need to make some difficult changes for your staff, or just want a fresh set of eyes to look at current challenges or explore how things could be done differently to increase efficiency and effectiveness, EOD is here to help.