HSA FSA HRA Benefits

Health Savings Accounts
Flexible Spending Accounts
Health Reimbursement Accounts

HSA, FSA, HRA Plan Comparison Chart – Click here for a detailed breakdown of how these three different plans can serve you and your family.

WEX Public Knowledgebase
Use the Knowledgebase to find helpful hints on how to log into your online account, contact WEX, and more.

What type of expenses can I use my account for?
Why was my claim denied?
How to order a new or replacement benefits card
How do I reset my password?
How do I resolve my claim?
Where can I find more answers?

Please Note: If you need to make a change to the amount deducted for an HSA, please call the Benefits Division at 605.773.3148 or email benefitswebsite@state.sd.us and request a HSA life event to be created for you to complete.